
Gold Tracker for OBS

First off, thank you so much for showing interest towards my simple gold tracker, much appreciated!

With this tracker you can display how much gold you have made on stream. The gold amount is controlled via bot commands in chat.

This community has been so amazing to me and I just want to give back!

Setup time: 10-15 minutes

1. Installing the font

This account is for testing purposes only, so don't use it live on stream! The test account is open for everyone, so anyone can alter the numbers at anytime.
If you decide you want to use the tracker, contact me on Discord so I can set up your personal account.

The tracker uses a custom font, which needs to be installed first. Earlier versions of the counters had some issues if the font wasn't installed on Windows (and instead showed a default looking font on screen).

Note: If you've used any of my other trackers or counters and installed the font with them, you can skip this step.
  1. Download the Freebooter font.
  2. After you've downloaded it, you can install it by right-clicking the file and selecting "Install".
  3. Add the browser source to OBS (with the link in the next step).
  4. If you have had the tracker installed in OBS before, I recommend clicking the "Refresh cache of current page" button in the browser source properties window.

2. Adding the browser source to your OBS scene

This account is for testing purposes only, so don't use it live on stream! The test account is open for everyone, so anyone can alter the numbers at anytime.
If you decide you want to use the tracker, contact me on Discord so I can set up your personal account.

The tracker has a few different icon options for layout. Use the URLs below to specify which one you want to use.

Click the source URL to copy it to the clipboard
Tracker Layout Image Browser Source URL
Default https://api.solkku.com/goldtracker/obs.php?name=test&token=token
Greyscale https://api.solkku.com/goldtracker/obs.php?name=test&token=token&icon=GreyScale
No icon https://api.solkku.com/goldtracker/obs.php?name=test&token=token&icon=False

After adding it, you should be able to see the gold icon (if you used it) and a zero next to it. You can play around with size and positioning by dragging the source around in OBS.

Note: The tracker refreshes every 3 seconds. So after using commands, it takes a few seconds to update on screen.

Optional: Autohide and setting icon/text opacity & alignment

This setting is completely optional, but gives you more control over how the tracker looks on stream. To use it, add the following strings of text to the end of your browser source URL in OBS.

Option Explanation Code
Autohide   New! Option to automatically hide the Gold Tracker when gold is at 0. It will show when gold is added. &autohide=True
Text opacity To change text opacity, add the percent number without the '%' symbol. The example on the right is for 60% text opacity. &text-opacity=60
Icon opacity To change icon opacity, add the percent number without the '%' symbol. The example on the right is for 80% icon opacity. &icon-opacity=80
Text & icon opacity To change icon and text opacity, add the percent numbers without the '%' symbol. The example on the right is for 60% text opacity and 80% icon opacity. &text-opacity=60&icon-opacity=80
Alignment The tracker defaults to alignment to the left. If you want it to the right, you can use the example on the right. &align=Right
Text & icon opacity with alignment The example on the right is for 60% text opacity and 80% icon opacity with alignment to the right. &text-opacity=60&icon-opacity=80&align=Right

3. Bot commands

This account is for testing purposes only, so don't use it live on stream! The test account is open for everyone, so anyone can alter the numbers at anytime.
If you decide you want to use the tracker, contact me on Discord so I can set up your personal account.

Next we need to setup bot commands for you or your mods to use in chat or in Discord (if your bot supports Discord commands). You can of course allow your VIPs to do it too - userlevel is up to you.

You can name the commands whatever you like, I just used the ones below.

The !gold command is optional, as it only makes your bot display the amount of gold you made as text in chat. This command can be set for everyone to use, and can be useful for mobile users.
Important: Always remember to set your starting gold before stream or selling for the first time. The !newgold command needs a reference point to calculate how much gold you have made.
Command Message Userlevel Response in chat
!startgold $(urlfetch https://api.solkku.com/goldtracker/?name=test&token=token&startgold=$(1)) Moderator /me Start gold set to X!
!newgold $(urlfetch https://api.solkku.com/goldtracker/?name=test&token=token&newgold=$(1)) Moderator /me X gold added to gold tracker!
!resetgold $(urlfetch https://api.solkku.com/goldtracker/?name=test&token=token&action=ResetGold) Moderator /me Gold tracker was reset!
!togglegold $(urlfetch https://api.solkku.com/goldtracker/?name=test&token=token&action=ToggleGold) Moderator /me hiding OR showing gold tracker!
!gold $(urlfetch https://api.solkku.com/goldtracker/?name=test&token=token&action=ListGold) Everyone /me test has made X gold!
StreamLabs Chatbot
Command Message Userlevel Response in chat
!startgold $readapi(https://api.solkku.com/goldtracker/?name=test&token=token&startgold=$num1) Moderator /me Start gold set to X!
!newgold $readapi(https://api.solkku.com/goldtracker/?name=test&token=token&newgold=$num1) Moderator /me X gold added to gold tracker!
!resetgold $readapi(https://api.solkku.com/goldtracker/?name=test&token=token&action=ResetGold) Moderator /me Gold tracker was reset!
!togglegold $readapi(https://api.solkku.com/goldtracker/?name=test&token=token&action=ToggleGold) Moderator /me hiding OR showing gold tracker!
!gold $readapi(https://api.solkku.com/goldtracker/?name=test&token=token&action=ListGold) Everyone /me test has made X gold today!
StreamLabs CloudBot
Command Response Userlevel Bot says in chat
!startgold {readapi.https://api.solkku.com/goldtracker/?name=test&token=token&startgold={1}} Moderator /me Start gold set to X!
!newgold {readapi.https://api.solkku.com/goldtracker/?name=test&token=token&newgold={1}} Moderator /me X gold added to gold tracker!
!resetgold {readapi.https://api.solkku.com/goldtracker/?name=test&token=token&action=ResetGold} Moderator /me Gold tracker was reset!
!togglegold {readapi.https://api.solkku.com/goldtracker/?name=test&token=token&action=ToggleGold} Moderator /me hiding OR showing gold tracker!
!gold {readapi.https://api.solkku.com/goldtracker/?name=test&token=token&action=ListGold} Everyone /me test has made x gold today!
StreamElements Bot
Command Response Userlevel Bot says in chat
!startgold ${customapi.https://api.solkku.com/goldtracker/?name=test&token=token&startgold=${1}} Moderator /me Start gold set to X!
!newgold ${customapi.https://api.solkku.com/goldtracker/?name=test&token=token&newgold=${1}} Moderator /me X gold added to gold tracker!
!resetgold ${customapi.https://api.solkku.com/goldtracker/?name=test&token=token&action=ResetGold} Moderator /me Gold tracker was reset!
!togglegold ${customapi.https://api.solkku.com/goldtracker/?name=test&token=token&action=ToggleGold} Moderator /me hiding OR showing gold tracker!
!gold ${customapi.https://api.solkku.com/goldtracker/?name=test&token=token&action=ListGold} Everyone /me test has made x gold today!

Example scenario

Below you can see a simple example on how you would use this tracker.

The !newgold command can be used at intervals of your choosing. Of course the more often you use it (after gold is made) the more accurate the gold number on the overlay will be.
Be aware: Purchases made in-game will mess up the tracker a bit. For example if you buy a hat for 10,000 you would effectively have 10,000 less total gold, which affects the next !newgold command calculation.

Issues, ideas, interest?

Are you experiencing issues or have ideas how to further develop this tracker?

Are you interested in using the overlay? Is someone in chat showing interest towards this tracker?

Feel free to DM me on Discord.