Twitch Bot Scripts

Thank you so much for showing interest towards my Twitch bot scripts, much appreciated!

This community has been so amazing to me and I just want to give back!

Latest Youtube video link

With this script you can embed the link to your latest Youtube video in a chat bot message, with or without the video title.

Enter your Youtube channel ID

Note: You can find your channel ID by going to your Youtube channel and looking at the URL bar in your browser. It's the code that comes after '' and is usually a random string of numbers and letters. If you have enough subscribers, it can also just be the name of the channel.
After submitting your channel ID, you'll get the correct URLs for the bot commands in the next step.

Bot commands

Next we need to setup bot commands for you or your mods to use in chat. You can use the same commands if you want to setup a timer.

Bot Type Code Response in chat (link to video)
Nightbot URL only $(urlfetch
Nightbot Title + URL $(urlfetch This is the video title -
Streamlabs ChatBot URL only $readapi(
Streamlabs ChatBot Title + URL $readapi( This is the video title -
Streamlabs CloudBot URL only {readapi.}
Streamlabs CloudBot Title + URL {readapi.} This is the video title -
StreamElements Bot URL only ${customapi.}
StreamElements Bot Title + URL ${customapi.} This is the video title -

Personalize your bot message

Feel free to embed this code into your bot message to personalize it more. You can have text before and after it.

Here's a Nightbot command example:

Check out my Youtube channel and the latest video $(urlfetch - Leave a like and subscribe!

Time left to Gold Rush hour

With this script you can display how much time there is to next Gold Rush hour. You can also setup a timer to warn about the incoming Gold Rush hour in chat.

Bot command

Due to limitations of other bots, this script will unfortunately only work with the StreamElements bot.

Bot Command Response User level Bot message in chat
StreamElements Bot !goldrush ${customapi.} Everyone Next Gold Rush hour starts in: (time)
If Gold Rush is active, the bot message will be: "Gold Rush hour is active, hurry up and sell! Time left: (time)"

Setting up a timer

If you want automatic messages in chat for an incoming Gold Rush hour, you can setup a timer in the StreamElements Dashboard. The timer will start sending messages in chat when there's less than an hour to Gold Rush.

Bot Timer Name Response Message Interval Chat Lines Bot message in chat
StreamElements Bot Gold Rush ${customapi.} 5 min 1 Next Gold Rush hour starts in: (time)

Issues, ideas, interest?

Are you experiencing issues or have ideas how to further develop this tracker?

Are you interested in using the overlay? Is someone in chat showing interest towards this tracker?

Feel free to DM me on Discord.